
Category Archives: Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing
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How Well Do You Know Your Customers?

Who are your customers, really? How well do you know your digital customer? quite almost anything, your ability to answer this question will determine the success or failure of your business. The archives of the US Patent and Trademark Office Database are filled with brilliant ideas that never took off. Countless successful companies have gone […]...
Digital Marketing
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Google Ads Gotchas to Watch Out For

When you’re newly advertising with google ads—whether you’re looking to launch your first campaign or are wondering why your first campaign or two isn’t producing results—it’s easy to form mistakes. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. The good news is, after auditing thousands of Google Ads accounts over the past few years, I’ve found that […]...
Digital Marketing
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Adapting to iOS 14: What Every Marketer Must Know

If you spend much time in online advertising (or if you’ve logged into Facebook Ads Manager this year), you’ve probably heard about the iOS 14 update’s impact on advertising and therefore the IDFA armageddon. And, if you’re like many businesses and advertisers, you almost certainly did a touch of digging, figured it mostly boiled right […]...
Digital Marketing
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9 Tools to Enhance Your Retargeting

When it involves re-targeting, the platform or service you select to use can have an enormous impact on the performance of your campaigns. After all, good re-targeting is all about getting in front of the proper people with the proper message within the right place. Finding the proper messaging is ultimately up to you, but […]...
Digital Marketing
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25 Free Google Tools For Business in India

Free Google Tools For Business in India We can’t envision web without Google. This organization controls our own and work life. Here are 25 free google tools for business in India. We utilize mainstream Google items like Gmail, Google Drive and Docs practically ordinary. Be that as it may, ever thought of utilizing Google for […]...
Digital Marketing
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How to generate/drive more customers for your local business?

Marketing Tips For Local Business The initial years are always important for a business whether a large- or small-scale business. It can be sales, profits, consumer awareness, brand equity, quality employees, marketing strategies, etc. Therefore, one must be active for the business to flourish. Local business Marketing or Listing can give your business an initial […]...
Digital Marketing
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Why hire a Digital Marketing Agency?

There are countless tools available online to help you market your business digitally. But they won’t be able to help you if you can’t use them properly. Yes, utilizing these tools requires technical knowledge. To resolve the same, many companies hire an in-house team for digital marketing. In such a scenario, you need more space […]...
Digital MarketingLocal Business Marketing
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How local business marketing can benefit your business?

In the last decade, start-ups have multiplied up to 50k. For the business to survive and develop a competitive instinct, it must lose sleepover. It may affect in two ways; either physically or not enough results. Let’s Understand what are the benefits of Local Business Marketing. Imagine finding a bolster in such a situation that […]...